NOC Seeks Increase in Funding for USDA National Organic Program

Each year, Congress passes legislation to fund the basic functions of the federal government. NOC has been deeply engaged in this annual appropriations process to secure funding and support for organic agriculture, including resources for the National Organic Program at the USDA. NOC works most closely with members of the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittees in the House and Senate to achieve our goals for organic food and farming.

As a result of NOC’s work on appropriations legislation, in partnership with other organic advocacy groups, we significantly increased funding for the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) over a period of several years. Funding for the NOP increased from $9 million annually in fiscal year (FY) 2017 to $16 million annually in FY 2020 after several years of increases. FY 2020 appropriations legislation included another top priority for NOC: a provision requiring that the USDA issue a final rule on Origin of Livestock within 180 days of enactment to ensure a level playing field for the transition of conventional animals into organic dairy herds.

For FY 2021, NOC is focused on the following priorities:

  • Increasing funding for the National Organic Program to $20 million annually. Organic sales have been growing by leaps and bounds and the USDA National Organic Program is now responsible for overseeing more than $50 billion in sales each year. The National Organic Coalition recognizes the urgent need to modernize and strengthen USDA oversight of organic products to prevent fraud and make sure that everyone in the supply chain is playing by the same rules.

  • NOC is also calling on Congress to fund critical organic and sustainable research programs and to reinvigorate public plant and animal breeding programs so farmers have seeds and breeds that are adapted to regional conditions and the changing climate.

  • NOC is calling for $1 million in funding for the Organic Data Initiative. This funding will assist USDA in producing consistent, reliable data on trends in the organic sector.

  • NOC is seeking $5 million in funding for the Farming Opportunities Training and Outreach (FOTO) Program. This program addresses the needs of beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers.

Learn more about NOC’s FY 2021 appropriations priorities.




Abby Youngblood