Organic is the Original Climate-Smart Agriculture

Organic is a verifiable legal standard that can be relied upon in the journey

towards creating more regenerative farming systems.

Our colleagues at the Organic Farming Research Foundation have developed a new messaging toolkit for organic advocates, in partnership with the National Organic Coalition!

This comprehensive toolkit empowers organic advocates like you to effectively communicate the benefits of organic farming and its crucial role in building a future that’s healthy for people and the planet. Organic is an age old, holistic system of farming. Organic is principles-based, works with nature, builds healthy soil, and enhances clean water, biodiversity, and farm communities.

With resources ranging from one-page fliers to social media graphics and a presentation slide deck, the OFRF toolkit offers great resources so you can learn more and amplify the value of organic as a regenerative system.

Visit to explore the toolkit.

Organic farming has a clear and accepted legal definition which makes it a solid tool for holding farmers and food producers accountable to sustainable practices, and letting consumers know what they are supporting with their food purchases.

Abby Youngblood